Hey! New song! :)
So, I'd like to start off with, you have a great start. The first 30 seconds sound very solid and put together, full-sounding, and with an interesting atmosphere--with a definite touch of style! After that, new melodies begin to build, and sound a bit random. Not the high pitched one in the background though. I know you don't always aim for catchy, but I really couldn't follow along with them at all. One nice melody I did hear is that one at 1:17-1:25 and 1:44-1:51, with the loud distorted-sounding synth. That one definitely stuck in my head well.
The harmonies were not very strong and supportive, in my opinion, especially toward the end of the song. It takes a few listens to really hear them through and properly hear them meshing together, otherwise it sounds a bit empty, or naked. I don't know how to describe it :(
However, you definitely chose the rights sound to do them in. Which you seem to have a knack for.
1:28 sounds really nice too, to calm down the song's business for a bit. The transition back to the main riff is well done.
Drums are great as always, and the effects are nice and varied. Ooh and the very first few seconds were a very well timed and funky. :) Just listened to it again.
Nice to hear new music from you again! (like I'm one to talk) :D