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Umm..eww!! Wtf..!?

Is this song a JOKE? ...

...April Foouuhhhhhlllll's!! XD

[I'm guessing it didn't work? :P] Okay, this is very hard to review. VERY hard. !
At some points you have these great chords...and the effects and stuff..good stuff.
I like that big swooshing wave at 1:10 or so. Gave texture. It nearly made me shiver :P And the filtering sometime around 1:35. Good timing, and the sudden silence after the slurping almost scared me for reason -_^ I don't know...it kind of killed the mood?

But...my major problem with this piece is that I feel like nothing is matching up. The keys and strings... I feel like okay...say some strings are playing "A", okay...and the keys in that particular measure would be playing some pattern/combination of say , B, A, G, and C. With the A being played by the strings, the G and B would highly contradict the A and create some unnecessary tension. I was trying to relax to this piece, dammit! >XO
Basically I heard a lot of non-harmony. You, again, have those nice melodies playing around and a lot of good harmony at some parts, but when they played together my ears were like, aah!! This isn't right. So watch what notes are playing together...
If the notes are indeed compatible, then it's probably like what jazz does...go in and out of key like there isn't one, but it still makes it through. Try to stay in one or a couple of keys at a time or else it's confusing to me o_P (<--as confusing as that xD)
All your sounds and instruments, however, are all well-suited to each other. And although several of your notes sound contradicting, the mood the song never really altered. That's thanks to some of the great chords you placed nicely. :D Progression-->yay!
AND again, your drums were absolutely amazing in my opinion. I think they were by far the best part in creating the mood and just..everything else :D And I think with it, your highest melodies are boss. Example...the flute was really nice at some parts, but I think it was the harmony that ruined it and some of the other synths.. yeah. Okay, I got it!!
[okay..whaaaat? ....It seems that every time I review you, I learn of a new way to express my thoughts of an apparently uncomplicated concept much simpler. xD]

Soo..back to it../
..oh man I think I temporarily forgot... D:<
*takes a minute to remember*
Oh yeahhh...~~!!!! Okay. NOw I remember. Okay, it's like it is lately. You have probably 3-4 synths/instruments playing their own stuff at the same time, and even one contradicting note could ruin the whole measure, depending on the harmony and the background and even tempo sometimes. It's harder to track what is playing at the same time ..but I have to keep checking when I am composing..that I'm matching notes in a way that suits the song and what I want :P
Argh, you know what.? This is getting to complicated to review. And I'm probably making less sense now..I've totally slipped out of review-mode ! Kinda like some internal time-limit. WEll, I hope this was of some use to you.
And by the way, the title does fit :-)

FairSquare responds:

Thanks for this awesome review.
I really don't know what i should say.. you really say some true stuff in your review and i really appreciate that. I really do! But i just don't know how to respond to that :P
Well, i guess saying thanks is the best way so...
Thanks! :D

Soothing...calm...that kind of feeling.

Haha, the length doesn't matter--if you make a longer version, the sound will still sound lovely.
At first I wasn't sure about the kicks, but it keeps the ambient sounds from wandering too far by giving it some time and direction.
And I really, really like the serene mood I feel from this. A calm, beautiful, sound...focused, yet delirious and mesmerizing feel to it.
You know, I've listened to several of your pieces and I really like your style. I just had to blurt that, haha :P
And for the collab, I shall watch.

Winterwind-NS responds:

yeah getting the right sound for the kicks in this track took way longer than it should've. Well I'm glad you like what you've heard so far!
thanks for the review

Lovely sounds.

The beauty bumps your score a tad. :) You should have someone sing your lyrics for you. Make it a contest or something: 'Who wants to sing my song!!!" Haha :)
There are always singers looking for something to sing if they don't write or have taken a break and just want to sing..!
Lol I sing, but my problem is putting my music to my lyrics, and my lyrics to my voice.. so that's why I haven't sung anything of mine xD
It does sound warm and sweet. Fuzzy, but fixable. :)

Defiance09 responds:

Yeah I know, This is one of the songs that My band is putting on our demo Cd... and I just want to know if I should put the vocals on the Cd or not... but if you ever need anyone to play some music for you, I'm up for it... also the fuzzyness is due to it only being a 6 dollar computer mic... and since I'm broke and lazy, I'm not getting a new one anytime soon lol...


I like the mood. The rhythm is cool and intriguing...I think of espionage and ... yeah. Getting a mission done. Quietly, secretly. Kids sneaking into the kitchen in a dangerous mission to grab those cookies at the top of the fridge.
Or a govt. agent on the job...in a foreign country, getting the details on that guy sitting over there with his suspicious looking friends..
The bass creates this badass mood and the beat compliments it very well. Simple and chill. I like it, a lot.


Oh my goodness, it sounds so cute! :D:D:D
I love the pizzing arps at the beginning.
It sounds nice and kiddish; it actually reminded me of a TV show's kind of theme tune and having like little 3-8 year olds running around.
The wind instrument gave it a bit of a more exotic sound, but nicely matched anyway.
I think there's one instrument that is just too loud, though. I dunno..I know fuzzy is really bad, but all the instruments sounded like each one was the main melody line--and that's the problem, in a way--or puzzle, I should say. Try to make each lovely melody/harmony fit in right and dynamically master the whole piece. As in, each instrument was very clear and loud, but more clear, anyway, and so it forces you to pay attention to each and every one of the melodies, which gave my brain a headache and wouldn't let me enjoy the song in piece! So half my brain is going, "Yay!! ^^ This is soo cuteee!!! ^^^^^^^^^" and the other is going "okay, analyze this instrument's lines. okay... now the other. hmm..."
I know that's just me, but there was nothing to figure out in this piece. It all just came and squashed in my face whatever was there (in the funnest way possible :P). Basically, make something more subtle. Subtler... (word..?):P YEah.
So basically that absolute clarity sometimes destroys the sound of a song. I really only noticed when that last instrument came in and how everything was happening at the same time.. AH! YEah, I got the word! :D Busy.
It got too busy at some points. THERE!! ..arrTGGHGH!!! That was a much simple way of saying it.. lol :P
But I have noticed that pattern in a lot of your music (I tend to do the exact same thing, but I'm working on it! xD *cough* "Alt..you're a damn hypocrite!!") , though every time you call down, I hear more and more improvements. :D There is no denying your quick composition-learning-ability..thing! :D
Because really everything about your music is so diverse and wonderful. I am glad to keep on hearing more and more from you! :D:D

FairSquare responds:

Man, i'm so happy with this review, but at the same time i'm not. That's not because your review isn't awesome, but it's because i want to respond to your review and that is so hard! My response can never be as awesome as your review.
I mean, look at the lenght and the advices and the.. the AWESOMENESS!
Well, there's only one thing left to say now...
Thanks! Thanks for this and the other incredible reviews that you have given me!
5/5 to this review.


Dude, I swear..

every time you upload something, it gets better and better each time--and I mean, by you posting stuff like every week..occasionally more often... :)
The flutes really reminded me of your earlier song "Flutes". It was in the rhythm they played, the way the notes were arranged. The two pieces are very similar. Good to hear a sort of comeback for that song...lol..
The percussion instruments were a good choice (entrance was very good), though the beat does get a bit tiring at some point, even through the little variations. I think it's because of the messy melodies put in that give it a playful yet sequenced randomness; they make the beat stand out more rather than balance out the steady beat and not-as-steady flutes and strings. Oh, yeah, did I mention? Well, the strings were very nice.
Oh! Intro. The intro was nice and easy, and progression was great, there, as it lead to the song. The ending, however, was a bit abrupt. It's not unsatisfactory, though I could imagine a flute solo coming. Way to surprise, I guess; makes me picture a sudden scene change after a character's hopes and dreams are displayed or conveyed somehow. Like, intense intellectual/emotional scene...now, cut! That's enough of that. '
Lovely song, this. It shows just what kind of stuff you make!

FairSquare responds:

Lol, i didn't recognize my song ''Flutes'' in this, but maybe it influenced me in a subliminal kind of way :P

Thanks for this review!
I like your style of writing :P


Excellent varying rhythms within the song.

The first 10 seconds don't sound dark at all, in my opinion, but it does give the song some time to start off and actually sounded less bright each time it replayed. So 5 seconds later, it starts to get a little less major in terms of mood. I like that; another sign of good progression.

I don't think the violins quite fit with the song, though. If it were a different instrument..or some nice synth...I think it would be interesting to hear. The way the violins were playing though, is perfect. Like that same slow, graceful bowing. So that kind of sound technique, but minus the violin.
I really do like, however, this one synth's entrance. It came pizzing through quietly around 0:38. It sounded very nice and added to the mix with a tasty flavour :D! It does get a bit loud when it hits the low notes 10 seconds later, though. Too bassy compared to everything else. And my speakers were
treble > bass =o
The piano with the drums sounded good together, naturally. And again, you have a fitting beat that doesn't disappoint. Plus, I really like the end of the song! The snares finished it short and satisfyingly.

I think it would be a very good ending theme, this composition. Or kind of a first-thing intro, with the beginning beat playing as the primary credits are shown.
This is the short kind of piece that would cry and wither to bits if not used in a visual presentation of some sort! :'(

FairSquare responds:

Thanks for giving your opinion! :-)
I don't really know what to say, but you must know that your reviews are helpful!


Cool beat :D No, scratch that. Cool SONG! :D:D

Whoa...very empowering. AAAHH!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excuse the unprofessionalism, but it was beautiful. Is. :D
This piece touched my soul..
The beginning was vaguely intriguing, and then started to pick up fast. Not fast tempo-wise, but ..in terms of ..interest?
By the time the drums(very, very good!)..and... and the bass came in, I was already drawn in. So imagine me when that violin came in... The harmony was excellent...very beautiful. The piano, along with it, was just ..ahh :)

I feel very inspired right now...which sort of kills since I barely have the time to let out all this caged inspiration you have filled me with!

I recently noticed the brass(?) around 1:35.. It adds a sophisticated edge to it..just lovely.

What I have to praise the most in this piece is the wonderful harmony the instruments share, and the overall mood it creates. The progression in the song was so outstanding, I hardly realized that there was actually lots of repetition. But THAT is exactly what made it so beautiful.. HOW you added on to it. I am VERY impressed :D!
.. :D

[the lyrics are quite good, to whoever composed them. I could hear them in the song as I read it; the lyrical rhythm it held matched well with the song's!]

FairSquare responds:

Wow, what a review! :D
I'm so happy right now :P
I just don't know what to say to this beautiful, B. E. A. UTIFUL review!
Thanks alot! :-)


Sounds a little familiar..

Very pretty beginning. Lol, also didn't realize once it had ended.
The parts the lower keys play loudly are a bit too loud(0:15), much compared to the chords and melody..it's a little disproportioned, since the other keys don't seem to be raised at all, which makes them seem repetitive. However, after the sudden overloudness, it makes a smooth entry into the normal volume, or at least the arps seem to do fill the would-be gap between loud and unloud..:P
What I think was well established in this piece is its own pattern. It's very organized and very unmessy, making it seem very clean and orderly, composition-wise.
Lovely to-be addition to our collab, though it's kinda 2x the limit..:P
Good thing a 2nd should be coming..I would love to see this put in :)

*waiting for something bad to happen* D:

I'd listened to this earlier. I'd thought I'd left a review! =o

This piece is very suspense-filled. The introduction was nice and simple and the melody carried throughout this song was hauntingly beautiful.
My suggestion would be to fix the violin. It is definitely too loud and doesn't seem to change in volume much, which makes it sound too solid and just there, when it could add more emotion by fluctuating in volume more drastically( I mean the violin's force, not the tremolo-like sound it has shown here), and seeming more heartfelt like the actual violin's sound. The violin soundfont is very beautiful, but I don't appreciate it enough because of it's 'just there'-ness. Soften the sound at some parts, and have it swell at others. But basically the overall volume of the violin needs some decreasing.
That seems to be it.
Everything else is just so wonderful...the soft and suspenseful piano, the emotion-invoking pads and choir, the tensely beautiful harp(?), and the xylo(?) gave it that extra touch, relieving the song of so much grief and tension.
And the final minute of the song. It gave time to relax, but still held much tension, leading up the end. Especially when it slowed down out of repetition, I loved it. *shivers* D: ..feeling all gloomy now..
Good job! ^^
I thought the very end was a bit short, like cut off nearly. I think the harp could have done a longer arpeggio instead of the entire song ending on that last note or the choir fade out for a 4 seconds or so, to give that slight lingering feel. The ending sounded nearly cute! :o
OVerall, this is a really amazing piece. Your progression with the song is nice and the melodies are beautiful. I can't wait to see this animated! Although sad, it is an inspiring piece.

Professional procrastinator, occasional forum lurker. Sometimes I compete or judge in NG audio competitions. All the time I just wanna nap


Joined on 12/24/07

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