...!!! u damn FOO! :O
this is great stuff!
the added strings around :58 were a great touch
u may just have been fooling around with FL (that's pretty much how i make my songs..especially my latest..it had been a random tune that didn't turn out so bad)
but COME ON! the beat was pretty awesome, and the
GUITARS! dude!! the slayer sounds so pro :D
the only thing that annoyed me was the open hi-hat. it wasn't the right one to fit in with the rest of the song :\
but DAMN! the feel of the song is so good, and the way you didn't boost the guitar too much was great--it kinda wanted to MAKE me kick up the volume :D
its a little repetitive, but you don't really notice until your 3rd time listening (its gone through twice before as i write this)
the reason its a 9 is because of your crappy ass title (come on! this is good, you should know it. give urself the credit :D)
pure awesomeness, dude! almost!
i love the tune, it feels deep, and all the layers make it sound so good.
well-deserved 5/5 :D
[i'm still new to FL so you have no idea how amazed i am at your skill, whether u be expert or not :D]